Course curriculum

    1. Theory Session 1 FS DX Clinic 2022

    2. 2 Introductions - Erika & Vinny

    3. 3 Introductions - Vicky & Big Red

    4. 4 Introductions - Seugnette & Megan & Nightingale

    5. 5 Introductions - Ana & Echo

    6. 6 Introductions - Sabine & Prince

    7. 7 Introductions - Sarah & Skyfall

    8. 8 Introductions - Andrea & Swanny

    9. 9 Introductions - Kiana & Hunter

    10. 10 Theory - Liberty

    11. 11 Theory - Principals of Equine Lingo Training - Equine Ethology & Ecology

    12. 11 Theory - Principals of Equine Lingo Training - Equine Body Language

    13. 12 Theory - NAPP & CR3

    14. 13 Theory - Techniques To Use For Each Individual Horse

    15. 15 Theory - How Do Horses Communicate

    16. 14 Theory - Equine Ethology Vs Equine Ecology

    17. 16 Theory - Simulation - Winning Over Grass_1

    18. 16 Theory - Simulation - Winning Over Grass_1_1

    19. 17 Theory - NAPP & CR3

    1. Theory Session FS DX Clinic 2022

    2. 1 Theory - Chatting About Sessions - Pictures Learnt

    3. 2 Theory - Nightingale Not Respecting Space

    4. 3 Theory - FFFF Vs Rest & Digest - Where Learning Takes Place

    5. 4 Theory - FFFF Vs Rest & Digest - Horse's Body Language

    1. 1 Introduction To New Spectators

    2. 2 Introduction To Cait & Talking About Bridleless

    3. 3 Introduction To Ingrid

    4. 4 Can You Teach An Old Horse New Tricks

    5. 5 Caitlin & Rocky's Journey - Bridling

    6. 6 Equine Lingo Principals

    7. 7 Instances When We Do Not Use Food

    8. Horse Pawing For Food

    9. 9 Equine Lingo Principals - Equine Psychology & Horsenality

    10. 10 Theory - Neutral

    11. 11 Theory - Attention

    12. 12 Theory - Picture

    13. 13 Theory - Can You Use NAPP Under Saddle

    14. 14 Theory - Pressure

    15. 15 Theory - CR3

    16. 16 Theory - Horsanality Charts - Discussion

    17. 17 Theory - Horsanality Charts - Introverts Vs Extroverts

    18. 18 Theory - Horsanality Charts - Invroverts Vs Extroverts - FFF Vs Rest & Digest

    19. 19 Theory - Horsanality Charts - Discussing Where Dots Are Lying

About this course

  • $200.00
  • 43 lessons
  • 5.5 hours of video content
